

The necessary of the fire doors at home

Contract International System bet for the design, security and integration in their fire, acoustic and fire retardant doors models.

The future of the hotel chains comes from a new concept uniquely and exclusively focused in offering the visitor a experience based in the comfort and security. The hotelers have a lot of expectations for a future where the client can find not only a comfortable experience but also the biggest security and discretion.

One of the most dangerous accidents that could happen at home are the fire. Any neglect in the kitchen, a short circuit in the electric installation, a technical problem in the boiler room or simply something unexpected could ruin the house in minutes.

Technical doors to protect your home

The main reason to install fire doors is that they are completely effective to avoid fire expansion. In addition, fire doors are very helpful in the evacuation of all the neighbours. Definitely, it is a preventive and protector measure that has to be adopted by the occupants to protect their property.

The benefit is double: on one hand it is a decisive tool to avoid the fire expansion. On another hand and most important, it is a decisive tool to save lifes in a extreme serious emergency. It is because it allows the quick evacuation of the building. Remember that its main function is to act as a powerful barrier against fire. What will you achieve? Very simple, the fire delay.

Other home protection systems

Other types of special technical doors are not based as much in the house preservation as in the form to isolate external noise and sounds. They are, per example, the acoustic doors, so needful to complet any home isolation process. In addition, they count with the  important benefit that they can be boosted with fire cut  measures as in the previous model.

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